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Interuniversity Lecture Series present at the Screeing of the Film Hispanoamérica in Madrid (June, 2024)

The Academic Herald

On June 8, in Madrid, a screening of the film Hispanoamérica took place. The occasion was very special as it was attended by the director of the event, José Luis López Linares [wearing a hat].

At the end of the ceremony and after a long dialogue with the spectators, the director received the Fellow medal of the “Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt” Interuniversity Lecture Series for Peace, Development, and Education at the proposal of Carlos Matilla, member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence, who in turn also received the award from Dr. Gregorio Holguín, Chamberlain of the House of Feigenblatt and delegate of the Interuniversity Lecture Series for Spain and Portugal.

The medal was awarded in recognition of a life trajectory in defense of Hispanic identity.

In the photo you can see the cover of the beautiful film, at the bottom of the screen.

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