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Forthcoming book titled "Artificial Intelligence and Education: An Ongoing Dialogue" to be published by Octaedro

The Academic Herald

His Excellency Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt and Dr. Oscar Yecid Aparicio Gomez, Secretary for Research of the House of Feigenblatt and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the Universidad de San Buenaventura of Colombia, have co-edited an innovative volume dealing with the nexus between artificial intelligence and education. The book will be published by Spain's top publishing house for the field of education, Octaedro.

The pre-launch of the book will be held at United Nations Headquarters in New York on the 23rd of May. The publication of the book was sponsored by the House of Feigenblatt and by the "Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt" Interdisciplinary Lecture Series for Peace, Development, and Education.

Table of Contents


Otto Federico von Feigenblatt

Chapter 1. Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education from a Social and Anthropological Perspective

Otto Federico von Feigenblatt

Chapter 2. The use of ChatGPT as artificial intelligence in language teaching

Hugo Heredia Ponce, Lia Machado Fiuza Fialho, Manuel Francisco Romero Oliva

Chapter 3. The impact of AI in education: 120+ teaching tools and resources for classroom work

Miquel Àngel Prats Fernández

Chapter 4. Artificial Intelligence and education: why, how and what for

Juan Carlos Judikis Preller, Jordi Quintana Albalat

Chapter 5. Homo technicus: From techné to Artificial Intelligence

Oscar-Yecid Aparicio-Gómez, William-Oswaldo Aparicio-Gómez

The Role of AI in Teaching Philosophy

Mathew J. Anderson

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