The Hispano-American Conference on Youth, Education, and Research was held on the 20th and 21st of February in Bogota, Colombia. The inaugural session of the Conference was held at the headquarters of the Andean Parliament and the second day was held at the Bogota Theater of the Universidad Central. His Excellency Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt chaired the conference, which was co-organized by the Andean Parliament, Universidad Central of Colombia, and by the Interuniversity Lecture Series for Peace, Development, and Education. More than twenty universities and over thirty governmental and nongovernmental organizations participated in the event. Presentations included lectures by university presidents, the secretary general of the Andean Parliament, and some of the leading scholars in the region. The Conference also included two discussion panels as well as a book launch.
One of the highlights of the Conference as the gala inauguration at the Andean Parliament which included a ceremony to welcome several new Fellows of the Interuniversity Lecture Series. The second day of the Conference also concluded with the ceremony to welcome new institutional and individual members of the Interuniversity Lecture Series. Conclusions and recommendations of the Conference will be taken into consideration to guide the topics of the Second Interuniversity Conference to be held on the 12th of September in Madrid, Spain.