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The House of Feigenblatt signed cooperation agreement with Universidad Fidelitas of Costa Rica (January 21, 2025)

The Academic Herald

The House of Feigenblatt signed a cooperation agreement with Fidelitas University of Costa Rica. Fidelitas University is one of the most innovative institutions of higher learning in Costa Rica and it is listed in the prestigious QS list of universities. The ceremony was facilitated by María Belén Paz Soldán De Ugarte, Chief of Staff of the Head of the Household. It was co-presided by Dr. Emilia Gazel, Rector of Fidelitas University, and by Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, as head of the House of Feigenblatt and Andean Parliament Special Envoy for Education. The ceremony included four keynote presentations. Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt delivered the first presentation which focused on the importance of the student-teacher relationship. Mathew J. Anderson, Senior Minister Counsellor of the House of Feigenblatt to the Central American Parliament and President of the Latin American Campus of Keiser University, delivered a presentation about the challenges faced by institution of higher learning in times of change. Ms. Maria Belen Paz Soldan de Ugarte a presentation that focused on how education can change lives and provide opportunities for young people. Mr. Juan Carlos Chavarria, well known Costa Rican artist and President of Transformacion en Tiempos Violentos Foundation presented a powerful appeal to support the arts and to engage young people in creative ways to foster a culture of peace. The House is looking forward to working with Fidelitas University on several projects.

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